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The second #BVL Chat - 12th July 2015 - What can be done to resolve the problem of human trafficking

Following the success of our first BVL Twitter chat, which discussed the topic of human rights reformation, Sunday July 12th saw a second chat take place on the topic of human trafficking. The abundance of responses received sparked some altogether very interesting and particularly thought-provoking points of discussion. The first question asked by Big Voice London was:

Jack Welch, a researcher and writer, and Youth Patron for ‘Ambitious about Autism’, set the ball rolling by contending that:

to which Victoria Anderson, one of our directors at Big Voice London, acknowledged that the creation of international law has not proved sufficient to completely solving the problem. Jack agreed, encouraging us to look at the media coverage of the situation in Calais at the moment to see clearly that the problem is seemingly still unsolved. Victoria then posed the question of whether:

to which Jack stated that, due to the scale of the situation, Europe does not currently have the means to solve this problem:

London based twitter user Harina made an interesting and practical point in response to the original question, that the focus should be shifted directly on to the victims, along with attributing them with access to legal aid:

Big Voice London then asked a second question: What solutions should be considered to deal with sex trafficking inparticular?

Where Jack Welch appealed to the need for increased vigilance from authorities,

Harina again urged the focus to be shifted onto the victims and the support they lack for the legal system.

Then a third question was posed by Big Voice London,

Harina reiterated the view that the focus should be on what is happening here – slavery is not just something that is in the past, nor is it something that only happens in other countries.

Harriet, one of our Coordinators at Big Voice London, suggested that the putting resources into the UK or abroad need not be mutually exclusive - resources should be put into both, yet particularly she expressed that the support should lean on the side that investigated causes.

Further similar views were then expressed by people such as Imran, who is undertaking the Professional Bar Training Course, and Aleksandra, an Assistant Paralegal at Pinsent Masons :

Jack Welch also deterred away from focusing primarily on the UK, pioneering support that is directed at other countries.

After the chat had ended, when reflecting on the discussion as a whole, Monica, a lawyer in the USA, left the powerful statement of "Demand must be addressed above all".

- Whilst perhaps sincerely wanting to agree, ‘demand’, stands out as being noticeably a tricky word in this context. Big Voice London must thank those who contributed to this discussion, whether this entailed tweeting yourself, encouraging others to do so, or sending warm responses of appreciation in its aftermath. You all made it worthwhile. The summer school on the topic of human trafficking is taking place this week at City Law School, with the finale on Friday taking place at Landmark Chambers. The Twitter chat made us at Big Voice London particualrly excited to delve deeper into what has proved to be a very large and complex issue, one that is impossible to confine to an hour worth of chat. Please stay tuned for updates about our summer school, which is successfully underway. Also, stay tuned for information about the next chat on Twitter, which you are warmly invited to take part in, as always!

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